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2022 : the golden year for Whoz

7 min.

RĂ©trospective 2022 Whoz

What a year! We can say that 2022 was a defining year for many of us. Complex for some companies, fulfilling and successful for others, whatever the outcome, it was a year of upheaval, challenges and opportunities. For Whoz, 2022 has been exceptional in terms of change and challenges in every way. It’s time to tell you about it before we start 2023 with the same energy, determination and passion.

Facing a tense, fragile and questioning market

If the Covid-19 pandemic shook our world three years ago, the remnants of its wave are still present. This crisis has weakened a certain number of organizations, but it has also accelerated their digitalization, which is now necessary, even fundamental. There is now a lot of talk about the hybridization of work, digital transformation, new talent aspirations… a whole range of new challenges to which companies must respond. These topics have been at the heart of Whoz’ leitmotivs for the past six years.

Whoz has thus started its year 2022 in this environment. A context as fragile as profitable for us. Because we have been embodying these new challenges for more than six years. 2022 has only catalyzed their importance. Aware of our mastery of the market, of our vision of staffing and of our functional richness, it was with confidence and ambition that we faced the new year a year ago.

What is the outcome of 2022?

The last 12 months have been fruitful, stimulating and decisive for Whoz. For six years, our teams have been building the best cloud solution to digitalize the staffing of service and consulting companies. For six years, Whozzies have been working every day to imagine, challenge and improve our app so that it can best serve the business of service and consulting companies. And 2022 has only confirmed our position.

The fundraising that propels Whoz

As you know, last May, Whoz raised €30 million, including €25 million from the PSG Equity fund. The choice of this strategic partner has enabled us to support our ambitions and provide us with the best keys to achieve them. Our B2B software expertise coupled with PSG Equity’s international network is a great way to accelerate our development. This round of financing marks a major turning point for Whoz.

The year of recruitment

This fundraiser was also a boon for the recruitment team. New Whozzies were welcomed in our beautiful team. Talents from all over France, with eclectic backgrounds, all united by the same desire to progress, to move the lines and to challenge themselves… that’s also the Whoz spirit! This year saw no less than 73 recruitments. But if they were numerous in 2022, it is nothing compared to what awaits us in the coming months: 100 new talents will make our year 2023 vibrant!

A rebranding to change direction

In November, Whoz presented its new face, with a reinforced brand image and a new website. Far from being a simple desire for change, this transformation illustrates a turning point, that of maturity and expansion. A more assertive logo, colors in the air of time, a complete, ergonomic and enriched website… new bricks have been laid on our already solid base. Thus, Whoz delivers a visual identity that fully embodies its value proposition: better talent management, improved organizational results, efficiency gains that come with a net increase in profitability. Today, Whoz is capitalizing on its new identity codes to conquer new markets and compete with major international players.

Functional evolutions in a new version

As you can see, 2022 is the year of change. The new version of our solution is another example. For the past six years, Whoz has covered all staffing needs: skills mapping, internal and external talent management, intelligent search engine, team building, project portfolio or schedule management, financial performance analysis, etc. Teams benefit from a continuous and real-time visibility of their activity to maximize their margin and revenues. With this V7, Whoz goes even further and strengthens its three main pillars: : 

  • Competency-based talent management,
  • A dynamic business approach,
  • Enhanced data protection.

The result is a more efficient solution, but one that remains attentive to the aspirations of each talent in order to retain them even more.

Enhanced data protection

In 2022, Whoz has also increased its security. From now on, the solution is ISO 27001 certified, which guarantees a very high level of information security. Also, Whoz is qualified SecNumCloud, the offer of OVH. As a French actor, their servers cannot be operated by a third state, notably American. In fact, Whoz benefits from a certificate, issued by the French National Agency for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), ensuring compliance with best practices for data security. Finally, the solution has a SecurityScorecard score of 98/100 and CyberVadis of 894/1000. Enough to bury the risks of cyberattacks even further!

Whoz confirms its leadership position

This new version allows Whoz to establish its position as a reference in the staffing solutions market, with the ability to address organizations from 100 to 350,000 employees. The objective remains the same: to provide service and consulting companies with an ultra-specialized solution that can maximize their margins and revenues. This leadership status has been demonstrated by other voices as well. Markess, the leading research and consulting company on digital in France has conducted a study that places Whoz as the No. 1 Resource Management and Staffing solution. A statement also supported by IDC which, in an equally edifying study, makes Whoz the market reference.

More and more beautiful clients

Despite the passing years, the evolutions experienced by Whoz, the new talents who join the adventure, the common thread remains the trust of our customers. A relationship that feeds, on a daily basis, our collective ambition and our desire for growth. Six years ago and even more so today, no one understands the market better than Whoz. All our successes illustrate our ability to help our clients face the crisis, outperform the competition and improve their revenues. In 2022, some great signings were made. We are pleased to support clients such as Econocom, Keyrus, Stack Lab, Egis, BusinessAtWork, MC2i, Open, Systra and CS Group. We share with them a real desire to move the lines and improve their results.

On the way to 2023!

If 2022 was crucial for Whoz, it is because our successes were accompanied by those of our customers. We embodied their challenges, we helped them to face them together.

So, after such a rich year, what do we wish for the next few months? Our watchword remains the same: to continue to accompany our clients to the best of our ability, always with the same passion, to enable them to achieve their challenges and ambitions. As we mentioned, 2023 will also shine through in terms of recruitment: by the end of December, Whoz will be counting 100 new talents. Our desire to expand, to conquer new territories will also be the common thread of our year. Developing locally, but also globally is part of our objectives.

After such an incredible year in 2022, we can only believe in 2023. Whoz enters these first moments more excited than ever. It’s going to be a beautiful, intense and fascinating year. We can’t wait to share it with you.